The New You Tips and Tricks to Losing Weight, Get in Shape Safely and Keeping It Off【電子書籍】[ Daniel Michael ]

<p>People say that looks are not everything, but let us face it, when we look good; it helps us to feel good. ?Often, rather than doing something about it, people just complain or wish it was different. ?Perhaps you might?say that you do not have enough time to work out, or that you do not have time to prepare complicated meals, or?that you cannot afford to go to the gym, or join a weight loss group. ?</p><p>Does the task of not only losing weight, but keeping it off seem so daunting that you have not tried, but wish?that you could? ?</p><p>This is the book for you. ?This is where it will all change for you, so congratulations. ?Welcome to the book?that will not only help you shed the weight, but keep it off as well. ?</p><p>Getting healthy does not have to be a struggle; it does not have to be stressful. ?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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